Thursday 20 March 2014

Let us look closer...

I have been very concerned lately about the use of ipads and the possible effect of radiation on my children. Is it a myth that exposure to radiation is carcerogenic and have negative effects on our health, or is it a terrifying reality on how damaging the effects can be to our children's generations and those coming ahead.

If I have a doubt, I'll investigate.
And as for everything else, there is always contradictory information. I would like to stick to pragmatism, and for that it might be that I'll find some answers within the scientific community less subjected to the pressure of the industry (I would naïvely guess...). Health authorities are not either doing a good job since there is a huge amount of conflict of interests, so it leaves us, parents to have the biggest role on the impact and usage of this machinery i our childrens lifes at home and at school.

Here's what I found:
"WiFi, emits radiation that causes a myriad of serious health effects, including damage to DNA, cancer, and infertility. Research shows that autism, ADHD, and other behavioral problems are also associated with wireless radiation exposure. Many scientific and medical experts have issued warnings because of the evidence before them. 
Solutions are readily available. Computers in schools can be connected to the internet via wired technology, which does not emit RF microwave radiation, and is both faster and more reliable.

WiFi emits RF radiofrequency microwave radiation. Both wireless routers and wireless computers contain transmitters that send information back and forth through the air. Microwave radiation is able to penetrate walls made of wood, metal, and concrete. It can also penetrate our bodies.

There are literally thousands of peer reviewed studies, conducted in laboratories and field studies from around the world, that show wireless radiation to be harmful. " source 

As a parent it have the choice to get concerned, or get too busy to bother. I know that I have been thinking about this issue, but it was not until I attended a course on energy medicine that I stopped to say :wait a minute, I have been terribly nonchalant about this! When looking closer on how electric fields influence our body response, I decided to investigate further and take action.
Here we have  professor Olle Johannson from Karolinska Institutet giving a glimpse of the true nature of the matter.

So for all that we still don't know, the things that still remain to be proven, and the ones that might already be a sign of caution,  why not try to do the following for our children's sake (our own too since we are usually less concerned about ourselves):

while using ipads and iphones:

Airplane Mode turned ON
- WiFi turned OFF
- iPad placed on the table and not held in the hands or rest on the lap
- Apps download should be done via wired connection

- check how far the children are from the wifi connection and if it is to close from the room they are    sleeping in.
- take away iPads, computers and cellphones away from the room while sleeping or turn the wifi off puting them into airplane mode.
- consider hardwire (cable connection)
- do not let them carry the cellphone closer to the body (neither should you!)

If you wish to do further reading:
Check also Youtube for professor Olle Johannson and other linked videos on the matter.

Be safe!

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